I see you.

“Mom, I feel invisible”, said my then 5 year old toffee colored daughter Monroe Snow. As I drove her home from school, I immediately could feel sadness fill my body, because I remember vivid moments in my childhood when I felt invisible and like I didn’t belong. I remember picking up on non-verbal verbal communication that I didn’t belong. I felt, what people call, otherized. Often I wondered if it was my culture, my skin color, my hair, my gender, my speech. Either way, it sucked to feel this way.

For this reason, I have become OBSESSED with fun ways to cultivate a sense of belonging for my self and young ones equally.

I created a really fun “All About Me” worksheet that is great tool to connect to one’s self and others. Once person completes the activity worksheet about themselves, I invite the child to use the a copy of the same worksheet to find out more info about a different person. It’s a great way to cultivate spaces where people are acknowledged and encouraged to curiously and respectfully connect with themselves and others.


In addition to the worksheet, my daughter Monroe Snow and I co-write and recorded a fun song called “This is Our Community”, to plant a seed of belonging for everyone. We hope you enjoy it!

“This is Our Community”

Written and performed by Ms Maya & Monroe Snow

All rights reserved Maya Jordan 2023

The song is included in our album and the worksheet is included in the album’s accompanying workbook.


For non-reading and writing learners, they will need the assistance of a reading person and writing person to help them complete the worksheet.


How do you feel?


Give choices.